Week of February 9
Shalom all,
This week we focused on טוּ בִּשְׁבָט (Tu Bishvat), getting the chance to experience this special holiday in several ways.
The kids learned the 2 blessings we say when eating fruit and vegetables and each learned to say their favorite fruit/vegetable in Hebrew.
We created watercolor art, the theme being Tu Bishvat and connecting to nature.
On Wednesday we practiced the new blessing when we had סָלַט פֵּרוֹת (fruit salad), had fun creating a Mitzvah tree listing Mitzvot they will try to accomplish this year, and each kid also created their own personal tree with a Mitzvah they have done. We also played Tu Bishvat trivia.
Shabbat Shalom,
Week of February 2
Shalom all,
Wednesday was dedicated to a special program for Jewish Disability Awareness, Acceptance, and Inclusion Month (JDAIM). The kids participated in 3 stations; ASL (American sign language), fine and gross motor skills, and sensory. In each station they learned and experienced hands on. Please have your child share their experiences with you.
We are preparing for Tu Bishvat. We will celebrate together on Wednesday with a fun afternoon of activities.
On Sunday we discussed basic Gematria (Numerology): The kids learned that Tu Bishvat means the 15th day of Shvat because ט (Tet) is the ninth letter of the Aleph-Bet, and ו (Vav) is the sixth letter of the Aleph-Bet; 9 + 6 = 15.
The kids also worked in groups creating lists of tree products in 5 categories: Food, things we use every day, things that keep us healthy, things that are fun to use, and things we use for Jewish life.
Shabbat Shalom,
Week of January 26
Shalom all,
I’m sorry we didn’t have our Wednesday class. Many have been sick, I hope all of your family members are well. On Sunday we continued to advance in Hebrew. The kids are excited to complete the Alef-Bet and start reading. They keep practicing writing their Hebrew names, some kids have been writing their Hebrew names every time they are asked to put their name on a worksheet!
We will start learning about ט"ו בִּשְׁבָט (Tu Bishhvat) that will be celebrated on the 15th day of Shvat, that is on 2/13.
We will learn that:
• Trees are so important in our lives that we celebrate them on Tu Bishhvat.
• As Jewish people, we take care to plant and preserve trees in Israel.
I hope to see you all Sunday!
Shabbat Shalom,
Week of January 19
Shalom all,
We had a busy week:
Sunday was Mitzvah Day which kept us occupied all day.
In Hebrew we have reached the letters פּ - פ - ף . The kids are doing a lot of practice to make sure they can identify and sound out all the letters. I am so proud of their accomplishments! We have been discussing Kavannah (meaning) during Tefillah. The kids brainstormed ways to feel Kavannah during prayer. After Tefillah this Sunday we will follow up and check if it helped. You can discuss this at home with your kids, share what helps you.
We are trying to move forward with learning about Hebrew names. I only received a few responses for additional information about your child’s Hebrew name. We will be working on the project this Sunday. If you haven’t turned it in, please do so.
Shabbat Shalom,
Week of January 12, 2025
Gimel - Shalom all,
I hope you all enjoyed Hanukkah and winter break. The kids were excited to get back SundayJ
We have a busy 2nd semester ahead of us:
We will be moving forward in Hebrew, completing the Aleph-Bet and adding vowels.
We will be starting new units from our curriculum as well as continuing with topics we have been working on and preparing for upcoming holidays.
We have started learning about Hebrew names. To work on this further, I sent out a note Sunday requesting additional information on your child’s Hebrew name. If you haven’t turned it in, please do so by Wednesday.
This Sunday is Mitzvah Day, I look forward to seeing everyone and having fun working on our Mitzvah assignment.
Shabbat Shalom,
Week of December 8
Shalom all,
Our Consecration/Havdalah Service is a day away.
The service starts at 4:15 pm.
The kids have been working towards this for weeks and can’t wait to present to all of you.
It has been a fun process to help prepare them and I know you will all be surprised as well as proud of them.
May we all have a great time Shabbat afternoon!
Please let me know if you have any questions or concern before Shabbat (I won’t respond during Shabbat).
Shabbat Shalom,
Week of December 1
Shalom all,
We are just a week away from the 3rd grade Consecration Service (Havdalah)!
The kids have been working towards this for weeks and can’t wait to present to all of you.
It has been a fun process to help prepare them and I know you will all be surprised as well as proud of them.
Please join us on Shabbat afternoon 12/14 from 4:15 - 6:15pm. If you haven’t RSVP’d please do so, we want to see everyone!
This week we have rehearsals on Sunday and Wednesday, please try not to miss classes.
Let me know If you have any questions or concerns.
Shabbat Shalom,
Week of November 17
Shalom all,
This past Sunday was our last session until we get back on Wednesday 12/4.
In Hebrew the kids have completed letters all the way through ן (Final Nun) and are in the process of passing the white book, several have passed, and I will continue to assess the rest of the class when we get back in December. We will be handing out awards to the kids every time they complete a Hebrew book, the first time being memorable and exciting.
We have been discussing Tefillah, focusing on the כַּוָנָה ‘Kavannah’ which means intentions behind prayer. We practiced feeling ‘Kavannah’ while eating a ‘Tootsie roll’. Instead of just popping it into our mouths we had to follow different instructions and steps. Afterwards the kids reflected on the experience and on ways they can feel Kavanah during prayer
The Consecration service (Havdalah) is on Saturday December 14th - Please make sure to rsvp, send in requested information as well as sign up to participate. The kids are looking forward to the event! Please try to have your kids attend all our sessions in December for us to rehearse with them.
Have a great Thanksgiving!
Shabbat Shalom,
Week of November 10
Shalom all,
I hope everyone is enjoying the cooler weather.
We spent Shabbat morning together, enjoyed Shabbat morning servicess led by the Ramah Darom guests, and later they led a fun activity for the kids. We pointed out how it is different being at shul on Shabbat and practiced Hebrew without using technology or writing. I hope to see more kids and families at the next Shabbat Kehillah in March.
The kids are doing an amazing job in Hebrew and can identify letters א (Alef) through ן (Final Nun). I encourage them to practice as we continue to move on to our next level Hebrew book.
The Consecration Service (Havdalah) is a month away – on Saturday December 14th. Please make sure to rsvp and respond to all the special requests that were sent out to you.
Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.
Shabbat Shalom,
Week of November 3
Shalom all,
The 3rd graders are learning more about our upcoming Havdalah service in addition to weekly practice with Ms. Ora.
In Hebrew we have reached the letter נ (Nun). We are putting in a lot of work reviewing, to make sure everyone can identify all the letters so far. Recently the kids played Hebrew tic-tac-toe and connect 4! I still have a few more surprises for them.
I look forward to our upcoming Shabbat Kehillah, please join us for a great day.
Shabbat Shalom
Week of October 27
Shalom all,
We are quite busy... now that we have left the Tishrei Holidays behind us. In Hebrew the expression ‘After the Holidays’ אַחֲרֵי הַחַגִּים is so appropriate.
Hebrew reading is an important part of our schedule. We are reviewing the letters, using our book, worksheets and games. The kids are doing a great job.
Hebrew names - please make sure your kiddo knows it and also make sure to update me, the kids will learn to write their names once I have heard back from all of you.
Havdalah Service – please make sure the date is on your calendar – Saturday December 14th (late afternoon), look out for information.
Shabbat Shalom
Week of October 6
Shalom all,
This week we focused on Yom Kippur. We learned the Hebrew word סְלִיחָה (Selicha) which has been added to our Hebrew vocabulary list. We discussed things that are done on the holiday, and emphasized that we learn about Mitzvot and customs, we are not instructing to do them all and that each of us and our family choose what we do.
As we are also approaching Sukkot, we discussed הִדּוּר מִצְוָה (Hidur Mitzvah), beautifying the mitzvah, and helped decorate the Anshai Sukkah. When visiting the Sukkah please make sure your 3rd grader points out the poster they made (all in Hebrew!)
גְּמַר חֲתִימָה טוֹבָה
G’mar Chatima Tova,
Week of September 22 & 25,
Shalom all,
As we approach Rosh Hashanah, we are still learning more about it and doing special activities.
The kids made Shanah Tova cards for the seniors at The Legacy Willow Bend, as a Rosh Hashanah tradition and as an act of kindness. They also created a special Shofar collage project.
I hope the kids share some of the traditions we have talked about, I am waiting for them to share their experiences after the Holiday.
Hebrew names - please make sure your kiddo knows it and also make sure to update me.
Shabbat Shalom,
Week of September 15 & 18
Shalom all,
Kitah Gimel (3rd grade) is less than 3 months away from the Consecration Service (Havdalah). Please make sure that the afternoon of Saturday, December 14th is reserved for us!
We have been discussing the Shofar, heard Rabbi Kushnick and Levi blow the Shofar, learned the text from the Torah, the blessings and the different sounds. We will continue to expand our knowledge for the upcoming holiday.
I have asked the kids to share their Hebrew name with me. Not all know their Hebrew names, please make sure your kiddo knows it and also make sure to tell me as well.
Thank you all for your support, we have had a great start to the school year!
Shabbat Shalom,
Week of September 8
Shalom all, We are busy learning Hebrew letters, and have started practice using the ‘white’ book. Through practice and games, we are making sure everyone is familiar with all the letters.
We are starting several weeks that focus on the יָמִים נוֹרָאִים (Yamim Noraim), the holiday season that includes רֹאשׁ הַשָׁנָה (Rosh Hashanah) and יוֹם כִּיפּוּר (Yom Kippur).
The kids reflected on the challenges of new beginnings and brainstormed ways that the Jewish community marks the beginning of the Jewish year. Each child created a ladder that included several of those firsts, that each kid does at home, liked or will try to do.
Shabbat Shalom, Richie
Sun, March 9 2025
9 Adar 5785
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