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Week of February 9

Morah Oshra


Last two classes we had an amazing time earning about Tu Bishvat and mitzvot – good deeds.

We learned how beneficial trees for our life in so many ways.

Yesterday, the student ate fruit salad and dry fruit related to Tu Bishvat, which are part of the seven species.

We are getting ready for our Kabbalat Shabbat service and learning the prayers the students will lead.

Best Regards,

Oshra Nir


Week of February 2

Morah Oshra,

Last Sunday in class we touched the subject of ISRAEL.

We drew the map of Israel and became familiar the main cities like Haifa, Tzfat, Jerusalem, Tel Aviv and Be’er Shava.

We learn that Jerusalem is unique in many ways: languages, religions , holy places, markets and more.

In Hebrew, the class continues to shine.

Best Regards,

Oshra Nir



Morah Hamutal

Shalom to the Fourth grade Parents

I hope you are doing well during this this flu season. In class we finished our unit on B’rachot (blessings) and we are moving on to talk about the geography of Israel. The students learned about the land of Israel, the borders, the neighboring countries the main cities and bodies of water.

We are going to conclude the subject this coming Sunday and will start discussing the holiday of Tu B’Shevat and the importance of it. We will practice the Tu B’Shevat Hebrew vocabulary as well.

We are practicing for the Kabbalat Shabbat which the students will lead on March 28th. Please save the date!

Hebrew reading is going well. The students are moving forward to higher levels .

On Wednesday we had a special program about disability and inclusion in the Jewish community. The students experienced how is it feels to be disabled. They showed an interest in the subject and great compassion during the program.

I wish you all good health and Shabbat Shalom.

Morah Hamutal.




Week of January 19

Morah Hamutal

Shalom Y’all

I hope everyone is doing well and staying warm. This week the students in Kitah Dalet were working on the variety of Brachot. The students learned to identify the beginning of the Brachot and understand the meaning. We are going to conclude the subject on Sunday when we discuss the Brachot for specific food.

In Hebrew we continue working in groups to increase our reading fluency. This past Wednesday Rabbi Kornsgold worked with the students on a few of the tefillot and songs which the students will be leading on March 28 during Kabbalat Shabbat.  Please save the date!

Shabbat Shalom



Week of January 12, 2025

Morah Hamutal

Shalom to the Fourth grade Parents.

I hope everyone had a relaxing winter break.

Happy 2025 and welcome back. We started a discussion about Brachot ( blessings).

We discussed the meaning of blessings, why we say them, the format of the blessing and more…

In Hebrew we continue practicing reading and Hebrew fluency in reading groups.

We are also practicing for the class Kabbalat Shabbat which will be on March 28th.

Just a reminder: This coming Sunday is a Mitzvah Day. Students will meet in the sanctuary at 9am for tefillah, instead of going directly to their classrooms.

I wish you all a warm and cozy weekend.

Shabbat Shalom💐

Morah Hamutal


Morah Oshra


Dear Parents,

The students were very excited to meet after a long break. Every student shared a favorite memory from winter break and how they were happy to play with the snow. We are learning about blessing and mitzvot: The meaning of them, when and where we use Blessing and Mitzvot.

We are learning special blessing for food, morning blessing, before bed, on Shabbat, holidays and more.

Mitzvot – we talked in class that we are doing Mitzvot every day by respecting our parents, for being kind and helping those who in need.

Hebrew – the kids learning more and more to put words together to increase their reading fluency.

Music – learning Hebrew songs and getting ready for the Kabbalat Shabbat service on March 28.

Thank you

Shabbat shalom


Week of December 8

Shalom to the Fourth grade Parents 

I hope everyone feels the Hanukkah atmosphere in the air. This week was all about Hanukkah.

We learned the story via comics books, talked about the rituals, and learned that Hanukkah means dedication and we marked the rededication of the Temple in Jerusalem in the 2nd century BCE. 

We also talked about gevurah (inner strength) as a Jewish value. Various people who had strength were Judah the Maccabee, Yehudit and Hannah. In Hebrew we continued working in our groups. The students are making great progress.

This Sunday is the last class before winter break. There will be a wonderful Hanukkah celebration and I hope you will all join us.

9am- regular drop off. Parents, please join us at 10:30am in the sanctuary.

Have a good weekend and Shabbat Shalom,

Morah Hamutal


Week of November 3

Shalom to the Fourth grade Parents

I hope everyone is doing well and has the Shabbat feeling.

This week we finished discussing Jonah and the story behind him.

On Wednesday we talked about God. The way we feel, and how do we express it.

We discovered that there are many names to God.

We continue Hebrew reading and learning Kabbalat Shabbat.

Just a reminder: tomorrow we will have Shabbat Kehilah. No religious school on Sunday.

Hope to see you there.

Shabbat Shalom,

Morah Hamutal.


Week of October 27

Morah Oshra

Shalom Parents,

In our class we have learned all about Sukkot: why we are celebrating sukkot, the Four Middot=species, customs and prayers related for Sukkot.

And One of the Big Mitzvot- USHPEZIN– to invite guests to sukkah.

Simchat Torah – Finishing reading the Torah and starting all over again. We start learning Bereshit – First book of the Torah and we focusing on Creation.

I am enjoying being their teacher. They are amazing.

Morah Hamutal

Shalom to the Fourth grade Parents,

I hope everyone had a wonderful time during the holidays.

This week we recap the holidays in our class.

We started learning about Jonah. We discovered who he was and where in the TaNaKh he is mentioned.

We talked about what he was required to do and what happened. We watched a video about the story.

On Wednesday we enjoyed acting it out. We had a Tefillah session with Morah Tova.

We continue Hebrew reading in groups and getting ready for Kabalat Shabbat.

We are going to discuss a little more about Jonah this coming week.

Please remember to move the clock back this weekend 😊

Shabbat Shalom,

Morah Hamutal


Week of October 6

Morah Hamutal

Shalom to the Fourth grade Parents

I hope everyone is doing well. In our class we focused this week on Yom Kippur.

We talked about the importance and the meaning of the special day. We went over the rituals and we discussed repentance .

Our vocabulary was: Slicha( sorry/ forgiveness), Teshuvah .

 We talked about how to ask for Slichah and from who .

We finished the Sukkah decorations . We will hang it in the Sukkah soon.

We continue working on Hebrew reading in the students level. If you have any questions or concerns please let me know.

I wish you all Shabbat Shalom and an easy fast.

G’mar Hatinah Tovah



Morah Oshra


In class we shred how each celebrate Rosh Hashanah with Family,  friends, special food, visit shul to hear the shofar , dress in white and more.

TASHLICH - we learned meaning of the word Tashlich, Why are we doing, Saw a short video of kids doing Tashlich.

We did in class... each student wrote and drew of something that they would like to "Let go".

And start fresh for next year.

Students were amazing. So proud of them.




Week of  September 22 & 25

Morah Hamutal - 

Shalom to the Fourth grade Parents. I hope everyone is doing well. The holiday atmosphere is in the air. In our class we are practicing Hebrew reading constantly.

We work in small groups according to the reading level. In Jewish life we talked about the High Holidays, the meaning of Rosh Hashanah, the traditions and rituals,

Rosh Hashanah symbols and the other names for Rosh Hashanah. We talked about the importance of the shofar. We had some shofarot in class and we heard one of them.

We had a clip of Leonard Cohen singing and blowing the shofar. It was engaging .

We started discussing the Yamim Noraim. Repentance, forgiveness and resolution. For that,we enjoyed Barbara Streisand performing Avinu Malkeinu to late Israel prime Minister, Shimon Perez and President Bill Clinton. We will continue talking about repentance on Sunday. We will talk about Tashlich and will have a little experience related to the topic.

We are also going to witness changing the covers on the Torah from their current cover to white. How beautiful! We will also start working on Sukkah decorations.


Morah Oshra


Last session we learned the blessings and meanings of Apple and honey, fish and pomegranates and how to say these words in Hebrew. The students did a great job learning these new vocabulary words. In addition, students continued with reading Hebrew.





Week of  September 15 & 18

Morah Hamutal - 

We had another great week!  Rabbi Kornsgold subbed this work. Morah Hamutal is looking forward to returning on Sunday. The students listened to passages from the Torah which mentions the New Year. It your child if he/she remembers the name for the new year in the Torah (hint, it is not Rosh Hashanah). The class discussed the difference between the way we celebrate Rosh Hashanah and the way the Torah instructs us to celebrate the new year. We reviewed the sounds of the Shofar and the class was able to improvise these tunes without using a Shofar. They did a great job! In Hebrew, most of the class has moved up at least one level. They all are continuing to make amazing progress. 

The students learned about the ALYN hospital in Israel. ALYN Hospital is acknowledged worldwide as a premier hospital specializing in pediatric rehabilitation. It is the only facility of its kind in Israel. ALYN's reputation in diagnosing and rehabilitating infants, children and adolescents with physical disabilities, both congenital and acquired, is meticulous. It is a nonprofit facility and treats all patients, regardless of religious beliefs, nationality or ethnic background. The class made  beautiful get well cards for the kids, which we hope will put a smile on their faces.  The cards will be delivered directly to the kids in the hospital. 

Shabbat Shalom


Morah Oshra



Week of September 8


Morah Oshra  - In our class we reviewed the letters and the vowels the students. The students remember a lot of the things they were taught last year.

Each student made a sign with his /her name we hang it on the door and each time they are coming to class we embrace a new tradition to stick a SMILE FACE on their sign.

In music we learned some Rosh Hashanah songs and are working on getting ready for our special Shabbat service. For the next three weeks we will be learning all about Rosh Hashanah. We will be understanding the meaning of holiday traditions, various brachot– blessings over special traditional food like apples and honey, pomegranates, the head of the fish, dates and more.

We are working on creating Rosh Hashanah greeting cards for their families and getting to know the blessings.

Morah Hamutal - Rabbi Kornsgold subbed for Morah Hamutal. The class learned about the Jewish calendar. Students discussed the difference between following a lunar vs. solar calendar. Students learned the Hebrew phrase for new month and how the word Rosh (head) is connected to the holiday of Rosh Hashanah and the celebration of the new Jewish month, Rosh Chodesh. 

Students continued to work on their Hebrew skills in smaller groups. The class worked with Morah Ora on learning the songs they will sing at their special Shabbat service.

Overall, it was a great week! The students are excited to learn and bring great energy and enthusiasm to class.



Sun, March 9 2025 9 Adar 5785