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Week of February 9

Last Sunday, we continued talking about Tu Bishvat. We finished our birthday crowns, planted parsley and another vegetable, wrote "Shabbat" on our challah covers, and read Tu Bishvat books. It was a great day!



Week of February 2

This past Sunday, we really enjoyed being outside and the wonderful weather. We tie-dyed challah covers and even a matzah cover, which we are going to save for Passover. While outside, we talked about the thing’s trees provide us, such as shade, oxygen, and homes for animals. We had a picnic outside and read books about Tu Bishvat. Everyone asked if we could have another picnic next week. I told them it would depend on the weather.


Week of January 26


This past Sunday, we pivoted a bit and began discussing Tu Bishvat, the birthday of the trees. We created a Tu Bishvat memory game, talked about why trees are important, and even started making birthday crowns. We also reviewed the blessings for the candles and the Kiddush cup.

Next week, we will be tie-dyeing challah covers!

Please make sure your child brings a water bottle every day.


Week of January 19

Dear Parents,

This past Sunday, we were very busy! It started with a small mitzvah day where we made cards to send to soldiers in Israel. We talked about how they might feel when they receive the cards we made and how it makes us feel knowing that. We also planted flower seeds to grow at the entrance of Anshai. We’re going to take care of the plants and watch them grow—at least, I hope they will grow!

When we returned to the classroom, we decorated real wine cups to include in the Shabbat boxes we are making. We also practiced the blessing for the Kiddush and reviewed the candle blessing. This coming Sunday, we might be doing tie-dye if we can go outside, so please dress your child in clothes that can get messy.



Week of January 12, 2025

We are so happy to be back at school after a long winter break! The children were very excited to tell me about the snow, sheleg.

Today, we focused on getting ready for Shabbat. We talked about the ways we prepare, such as cleaning up our rooms and toys, changing out of our school clothes, and helping set the table. We also discussed how the first six words of almost all blessings are the same and practiced the Shabbat candle blessing.

As part of our activities, we made our own Shabbat candles! Next week, we will review the candle blessing, learn the wine blessing, and start making our own Kiddush cups. Try not to miss a week so you can complete your full Shabbat set to take home!


Week of December 8

This past Sunday, we had a lot of fun painting our Hanukkah shirts! The children worked really hard to outline their designs and then carefully painted their shirts. We listened to Hanukkah music and talked about the symbols of Hanukkah.

If you are unable to come this Sunday, please reach out to pick up your child’s shirt so they can wear it for Hanukkah.


Week of November 3

This past Sunday, we had an exciting time exploring the story of Creation! To bring the story to life, we created a fun dance and added hand motions to a song about the days of creation. At first, the kids were a bit puzzled, but once they caught on, the room filled with laughter and joy as everyone got into the rhythm. It was amazing to see their creativity shine!

We also introduced the story of Noah’s Ark, which sparked a lively discussion about how Noah brought two of every animal onto the ark—but did you know that he brought seven of certain animals? These were the kosher animals, and the kids were fascinated to learn that information. It was a fantastic session filled with learning, laughter, and imagination!


Week of Sunday, October 27

We had a great day in Kindergarten.  We started the day coloring some pictures that went home with the kids. Then of course tefiillah in the Sanctuary. We did Havdallah in the classroom. Told the story of Creation and the kids shared something they liked about each day like what is your favorite animal. We played Creation bingo (that seemed to be the favorite activity of the day) and finished up in the classroom with a Creation song and coloring the Creation wheel with each day.   We ended the day in music. 


Week of Sunday, September 22

This past Sunday, we reviewed Rosh Hashanah and began discussing Yom Kippur, as well as the ten days in between, known as the Days of Awe. During this time, we talked about reflecting on the choices we have made and the importance of saying sorry for the bad or sad choices we've made. We also emphasized that we should learn from those choices and work hard not to repeat them.We discussed that everyone makes mistakes or sad choices, but what matters most is recognizing them, learning from them, and trying to improve. The children also got creative and a little messy while making a special honey pot for Rosh Hashanah!



Week of Sunday, September 15

This past Sunday, we had a lot of fun reviewing the symbols of Rosh Hashanah and practicing Hebrew words like ta•pu•ach (apple), eitz (tree), and ri•mon (pomegranate). We mainly focused on the shofar this week. The shofar is made from a ram's horn, and when it's blown during Rosh Hashanah, there are four distinct sounds.

  • Tekiah – a single long blast
  • Shevarim – three medium-length blasts
  • Teruah – nine short, rapid blasts
  • And the favorite of the week, Tekiah Gedolah – a long, extended blast

Please remember to bring a water bottle each week to keep everyone hydrated.

Also, we are currently holding a diaper drive! Instead of bringing tzedakah this week, please consider donating an unopened package of diapers, pull-ups, or wipes. It's a wonderful mitzvah and much appreciated!



Week of Sunday, September 8

This past week in Sunday school, we began learning about Havdalah and its significance. We will be doing Havdalah together each Sunday morning, and the children made their own spice jars to use every week. We also talked about Rosh Hashanah as the "head" of the new year, exploring symbols like the shofar, apples and honey, and pomegranates. The class enjoyed singing Rosh Hashanah songs and even got creative by making up silly versions of the songs! Please remember to bring tzedakah, encourage your child to earn it themselves, and don't forget a water bottle each week.

Sun, March 9 2025 9 Adar 5785