Week of February 9
1st grade discussed dreams through the story of Jacob. He was fleeing from his bother Esau when we dreamed one night of angels coming and going from a stairwell from heaven. In the dream, God promised the land of Israel to Jacob’s descendants. Then we drew our dreams on butcher paper and discussed them.
Week of February 2
1st grade read Happy Birthday, Tree!: A Tu B'Shevat Story to begin our discussion of the upcoming holiday. We foraged in the woods for leaves and branches to make a collage. Later, we discussed all the ways trees benefit humankind.
Week of January 26
Today first grade discussed kindness through the Rebecca and the Well story. Laban knew Rebecca was a good wife choice for Isaac since she gave water to the camels. Later we learned facts about the camel and made puppets
Week of January 19
Last Sunday was Mitzvah Day! After our service project of writing letters to Israeli soldiers and planting, we discussed MLK Jr. and his positive relations and views of Israel and Jews. We discussed how we are all created in God’s image and we should therefore treat everyone with respect.
Week of January 12, 2025
First grade learned of the guests Abraham had to his tent. Abraham treated them kindly, and this reinforced the value of
Hachnasat Orchim, welcoming guests. Then we made door signs.
Since Abraham and Sarah were welcoming, the guests promised the Jews descendants will be as many as the stars and grain of sands. They also promised Sarah would have a baby even they she was 90. She laughed.
We also discussed the value of visiting the sick, Bikkur Cholim and read, Bear Feels Sick.
Shabbat Shalom
Week of December 8
Kitah Aleph discussed the two miracles of Chanukah. We posed the question if a non-Jewish friend asks, “What is Chanukah?” The kids know to answer the following: A long time ago, the Jews won a battle against the Greeks who wanted us to pray to idols. When the Jews went to clean up the Temple, or rededicate it, the oil for the menorah lasted 8 days instead of one! We played Chanukah bingo and made door hangings as a Chanukah decoration.
This Sunday is our Chanukah Celebration. Drop off - 9am, parents please join us in the sanctuary at 10:30am.
Week of November 3
The class learned about God’s many names by reading In God’s Name by Sandy Eisenberg Sasso. Later we spoke about Abraham and how God gave Israel to the Jewish people. Finally, we discussed the legend of Golem, a clay figure who came to life when God’s name was written on his forehead. We used play dough to create our own Golem. Of course, no one knows God’s real name.
Week of October 27
This past Sunday we discussed two types of Jew who came to America, Ashkenazim and Sephardim. We also discussed their languages, Yiddish and Ladino. We sang a Ladino song called Ocho Kandelikas and read a Sephardic immigration story called The Key from Spain and an Ashkenazi immigration story called Anna and Solomon. We are learning so much in class and having a great time!
Week of September 22
In First Grade, after tefillah, we discussed ritual objects in the sanctuary. Then, we had a Rosh Hashanah tasting party with round challah, honey, apples, and pomegranates. We read the Shabbat Angels to discuss being the best person we can by completing mitzvot (commandments) in the Torah.
Week of September 15
In Mr. Marco’s 1st grade class, we continue our discussion on the upcoming New Year. We read the “First New Year” from a book of short stories, Does God have a Big Toe? discussing creation and the creation on the world. We are excited to continue studying about Rosh Hashanah. The students love being in Tefilah and are doing a great job learning the tefillot.
Week of September 8
This past week we reread Rabbi Benjamin’s Buttons and made our own holiday vest out of paper bags to review the Jewish holidays. Later we had music with Ms. Becky, which we will have every week. Your children are a joy to teach.
Sun, March 9 2025
9 Adar 5785
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